Books Within Each Brand

Ageless Adept™
Jamaican in Asia™

“I share what I know, so that others may grow!”–Walt Goodridge
image of Walt F.J. Goodridge
Hi! My name is Walt F.J. Goodridge, former frustrated employee, now “nomadpreneur” author of Turn Your Passion Into Profit as well as A Clean Cell Never Dies, Fit to Breed and the Loving True™ series of books. My personal life mission statement is: ” I share what I know so that others may grow!” I help people break free from limiting belief systems in order to discover, develop and profit from their passions, transform themselves physically, and master their relationships so they can live true to themselves and experience a life of freedom, function, fitness and fun! I believe that’s what life is all about: the FREEDOM to live life on your terms, fulfulling your FUNCTION (purpose), maintaining physical FITNESS to live free of illness, and having a whole lot of FUN doing it! It’s all part of a philosophy I call “the Integrated Life.”
Each unique series of products below offers information, inspiration and ideas–books, products, websites, communities, online tests and weekly newsletters–to accomplish that mission!


Descriptions are below. You can get these books free by joining my mailing list!

The Integrated Life
A blueprint for balancing passion with career, diet with health & sexuality with relationship
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
In the pursuit of economic survival, bodily sustenance and social acceptance, people often (1) disregard their passion in order to focus on a practical career, (2) allow their food choices to undermine their health, and (3) deny their gender wiring in order to conform to societal expectations. Therein lies the majority of unhappiness in our modern life. People are not living The Integrated Life. (120 pp; 6" x 9"; ISBN: 978-1517297077)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Integrated Life is more than just a title. It’s an aspiration. It’s the goal that all your choices should lead to. It’s an affirmation (“I live the integrated life”) that will echo in your mind each time you glance at this little book on your shelf.

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7 Conversations to Freedom
A Manifesto for Achievable Freedom
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Is freedom achievable? I believe it is. This freedom is the freedom to live true to your self, and includes:
1. The freedom to live a life of greatness that is in alignment with your purpose.
2. The freedom to profit & prosper on your own terms doing what you love.
3. The freedom to escape whatever restrictions and limitations you feel have been imposed on you.
4. The freedom to love honestly and true to your self.
5. The freedom to live a healthy life and actually age less than you do now. That’s the simple idea. It may not be easy to achieve given how much of the society is geared towards keeping us poor, enslaved and unhealthy, but it is achievable.

As a coach, I’ve discovered there are several conversations I repeatedly have with individuals who are at various stages of creating lives of freedom, so I’ve put them all into this one resource. Those conversations are: (introduction) "Something different is possible," (1) "What is freedom?" (2) "Your purpose is where it all begins," (3) "You CAN turn your passion into profit," (4) "The trouble with capitalism," (5) "The Tao of Shawshank," (6) "The carrot conversation" and (7) "The freedom to love true to your self"
Over the course of these seven conversations, I’ll share some ideas, proven strategies that serve as introductions to the books in the various life enhancement series in my catalog. This is my manifesto for what’s achievable.

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The PassionProfit™ series
You CAN turn your passion into profit!

I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge

“If you create and market a product or service through a business that is in alignment with your personality, capitalizes on your history, incorporates your experiences, harnesses your talents, optimizes your strengths, complements your weaknesses, honors your life’s purpose, and moves you towards the conquest of your own fears, there is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY that anyone in this or any other universe can offer the same value that you do!”— Walt F.J. Goodridge

Turn Your Passion Into Profit!
A step-by-step guide for transforming ANY talent, hobby or product idea into a money-making venture
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

The formula is simple: take a passion–something you love to do, something you’re good at, something you already have expertise and interest in–and use it as the basis of a way to generate income. This Passion Profit strategy could be your "plan Bquot; during an economic downturn (or pandemic)! Yes, you CAN make money doing what you love. Steps: 1. Find your purpose. 2. Discover your passion. 3. Create a product. 4. Market it for profit. (338 pages; 7" x 10"; ISBN:978-0974531328)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Turn Your Passion Into Profit is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation (“I turn my passion into profit and earn money doing what I love!”) that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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Turn Your Passion Into Profit™ 48-HOUR QUICKSTART MANUAL
Get up and running fast transforming ANY talent, hobby or product idea into a money-making venture
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Imagine you’ve lost or had to quit your job because of some unforeseen situation–say, perhaps a global pandemic. How would you launch a business in the least amount of time, with the least amount of investment and get up and running in a viable way?
(60 pages; 7" x 10"; ISBN:978-1451545708)
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The Passionpreneur ™ WEBSITES THAT SELL Checklist!
197 proven ideas, strategies and design tips for creating an income-generating website for your passion-centered business
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
To generate income online, your website must communicate your value, heighten your credibility, inspire confidence and compel visitors to whip out their credit cards to order your product or service. There are things you should NEVER do, and things you absolutely MUST do to create a website that sells. Online since 1997, I’ve cracked the code to making online sales of "how to" books, biographies, poetry, event subscriptions, and even tour guide services for myself and others! I’ll share the mindset, design process, sales copy style, income strategies, promotion campaigns, best practices, and my secret list of free to really-cheap resources. (90 pages; 7" x 10"; ISBN: 978-1451545739) Read more

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The Zero Cost Business Operations Manual
How to Generate Location-Free, Pandemic-Proof Income in this New Global Paradigm…Without Ever Leaving Your Home
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
"In this report, I’m going to share with you the tools of my trade: the resources, websites, services and software that allow me to write, design and publish my books, design and code websites, succeed at SEO, and generate sales–all for $0 or very close to it!"–Walt Goodridge
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How to Become a Nomadpreneur (The Untethered Lifestyle)
A pocket guide of income strategies, travel jobs & survival tips for expats, vagabonds, techies and rat race escapees who want to see the world AND make money too!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

What if your source of income did not depend on your actual physical location? As it suggests, a nomadpreneur is an individual whose income strategy allows him or her the ability to generate income (make money) while also having the freedom to travel (maintain mobility)–regardless of where he or she happens to be in the world! In this guide, I’ll share the motivation, methods and mindset as well as specific details of the income strategies I and others use to achieve and sustain what I call "the untethered lifestyle." "You’ll learn or discover: • Why escape might be the sanest act you ever commit • How to nomadize your current job • Proven strategies for making money overseas • Whether to be "location-free" or "location-bound" • Profiles of folks who’ve found nomadpreneuring success • Products, websites, apps and communities to help you • PLUS: Travel jobs for the nomad-minded non-preneur • Travel, accommodation, immigration, safety & survival tips, AND What to do if you run out of money!

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

How to Become a Nomadpreneur is more than just a title. It’s a question to ask and a challenge you should be exploring every day if your goal is freedom and mobility as well as passive income. It’s a reminder you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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As a Man Thinketh
Passionpreneur University™ edition
by James Allen & Walt F.J. Goodridge
Rediscover this James Allen classic with Passionpreneur Master Class™ notes
by Walt F.J. Goodridge. (100 pages; 5.06″ x 7.81″; ISBN: 978-1522813927)
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The Science of Getting Rich…Even During a Pandemic!
Passionpreneur™ Master Class Edition
by Wallace Wattles (presented by Walt F.J. Goodridge)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

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Also available with UK Pound Sterling symbol on cover
The Science of Getting Rich UK book cover

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Ducks in a Row???
How to find the courage to finally QUIT your soul-draining, life-sapping, energy-depleting, freedom-robbing job now…before it’s too late..and live passionately ever after!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
THE PLAN: ducks in a row:– Everything is ready; all preparations are complete. To have everything just the way you want it before you take the next step. (eg. "I want to quit my job and pursue my passion, but I need to get all my ducks in a row before I hand in my resignation.")

THE FLAW: "I’ve never met a set of ducks that liked standing in a row for very long." We’ve all seen ducks in a row. The trouble is, watch them long enough and they eventually break formation. In other words, if you’re waiting for things to be perfect before you act on your dreams in general, and if your success becoming an entrepreneur in particular is contingent on those ducks staying in line for the duration of your adventure in freedom, you might be waiting forever!


"It’s not about the ********* ducks!

It’s about finding the courage to live your dreams
no matter what formation the ducks are in!"

~ W. Goodridge, duck liberator
Here’s how I did it, and how you can too! (100 pages; 5.5" x 8.5"; ISBN: 978-1482364187)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Ducks in a Row: How to Find the Courage to Finally Quit Your Soul-Draining, Life-Sapping, Energy-Depleting, Freedom-Robbing Job before It’s Too Late…and Live Passionately Ever is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of the excuse many people use to sabotage their happiness. It’s your reminder of a myth you’ll be able to dispel (“I did it! I did it without ‘getting all my ducks in a row,’ as they say. Walt was right! It was never about the !——-! ducks!”) each time you glance at your shelf!

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The PassionProfit™ Expert Series
Unconventional Wisdom!
This series includes interviews with experts in their respective fields. We talk about topics related to turning one’s passion into profit and more!

27 Keys to Growing ANY Business
Andrew Morrison, presented by Walt F.J. Goodridge
A winning audio program from one of Walt’s favorite experts: Andrew Morrison. This 65-minute audio program will help you start doing the things today that will create an abundant harvest for you tomorrow. (65 minutes)

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How to Grow a Million Dollar Company (2 CDs)
An interview with someone who did it!
Andrew Morrison as interviewed by Walt F.J. Goodridge
CNN Expert and Oprah Guest, Andrew Morrison grew his first company to 3 Million dollars in sales before his 30th birthday! This TWO CD audio features Andrew Morrison in a revealing conversation with Passion Prophet Walt Goodridge. You’ll be inspired by his amazing story while he shares the actual strategy he used to become an entrepreneurial success story! (2 CDs; 1 hour each)

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Where Have All The Good Jobs Gone?
Zelda Owens with Walt F.J. Goodridge
Eavesdrop on a candid, unedited, private conversation and brainstorming session between change expert Zelda Owens, and passionpreneur coach Walt Goodridge about an upcoming book project, and discover some valuable insights into what the job market in America is facing. (1 CD; 1 hour)

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The Hip Hop Entrepreneur™ series
Turn your Hip Hop Passion into Profit!

I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge

“Once you recognize and respect the reality that Hip Hop is a legitimate culture with its own history, music, dance, dress and language, and that those elements of culture have value, you can turn your Hip Hop passion into profit to share it with the world without compromising your respect for that culture” Walt Goodridge

Change the Game
How to Start, Run and Really Make Money With Your Independent Hip Hop Record Label
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

Attention Hip Hop Entrepreneurs! Start your own record label! Release your own music! Create your own empire! This groundbreaking guide–my first book–really did change the game when it was first published as Rap: This Game of Exposure, and with each yearly update, continues to inspire, inform and instruct each new generation of Hip Hop Entrepreneur! This is the book Hip Hop pioneer, Chuck D, raved about in his book, Fight the Power! (294 pages; 8.5 x 11; ISBN: 978-1517523992)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Change the Game is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder of how to stand out, as well as an affirmation (“I’m here to change the game!”) that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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This Game of Hip Hop Artist Management
The Success Attitude
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

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Managing Hip Hop artists is NOT the same as managing artists in any other genre. It’s unique. There are cultural differences, industry differences and global differences you need to be aware of if you are to be successful. I know, because I’ve done it! Learn the business basics, as well as the unique success attitude and strategies you need in order to master the game! (220 pages; 8 x 10; ISBN: 978-0974531335)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

This Game of Hip Hop Artist Management is more than just a title. It is a reminder of an idea, an affirmation (" ") you’ll hear in your mind each time you glance at your bookshelf.

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Hip Hop Entrepreneur Record Label Business Plan
An actual business plan you can use to start your business
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

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This is an actual record label business plan you can use as a template to develop a workable plan of action and success for your label! Hundreds have used it, and I’ve received some amazing success stories of the funding and investments they’ve been able to acquire as a result! Bonus: "The Record Label of the Future." (146 pages; 8" x 10"; ISBN: 978-1450592260)

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A world without borders? (This is why I travel) “…these borders are all arbitrary lines. They do not exist in reality. They are all learned and superimposed upon the now fragmented minds and thinking of individuals who should instead be thinking and acting as a global community on a single planet…” (Read in full)

Jamaican in China!
Guess Who’s Coming to Dim Sum
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The super spectacular blog!:

Follow my amazing six-month nomad adventure through Beijing, Kunming, Xishuangbanna and Hainan in the People’s Republic of China, along with stints in Singapore and Laos! See Asia like you’ve never seen it before–through the eyes and experiences of a nomadic, minimalist vegan Jamaican vagabond (that would be me!) With tons more never-before-published stories, bloopers, and photographs of my nomadpreneur life in China! (340 pages; 7" x 10quot;; ISBN: 978-1478326892)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Jamaican in China is not just a title and a fun read. It’s a reminder to live beyond your boundaries, limitations and expectations. It’s a call to question and challenge the prevailing narrative and seek a reality of your choosing. It’s an affirmation of sorts and your new mantra for being happy as the odd one out (“I’m like a Jamaican in China!”)
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Jamaican on Saipan!
The True Story of One Man’s Escape from the Rat Race to Live a Personal Nomadpreneur’s Dream!: (A unique travel guide for the rest of us)
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website with my Saipan-specific video resumé:

Once upon a time, there was a Jamaican civil engineer living in New York who hated his job, followed his passion, started a sideline business publishing his own books, made enough money to quit his job, escaped the rat race, ran off to a tropical island in the Pacific, and started a tourism business so he could give tours of the island to pretty girls every day…and live a nomadpreneur’s dream life. That island is Saipan. That (former) civil engineer is me. This is the story of my Escape from America! (176 pages; 5.5" x 8.5"; ISBN: 978-0974531397)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Jamaican on Saipan will stand out on your shelf and serve as a visible, physical reminder of your enjoyable experience each time you glance at your shelf, and perhaps inspire you to execute your own escape to your own personal paradise!

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The Coffeepot Cookbook!
A Fun, yet Functional and Feasible Traveler’s Guide to Preparing Healthy, Happy Meals on the Go Using Nothing but a Hotel Coffeepot…. and a Little Ingenuity
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

"Necessity is the mother of invention.
Hunger is the father of ingenuity.
The Coffeepot Cookbook is their love child!"

While doing the nomadpreneur thing through China, as a vegan, I had to improvise quite a bit to get my dietary needs met… find out what you can do with a little creativity and a basic hotel room appliance! (52 pages; 6″ x 9″; ISBN: 978-0983580805)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Coffeepot Cookbook is more than just a title. It’s a reminder that even as a minimalist, cheapskate vegan, you can still survive as you travel–as long as you’re willing to be a bit flexible, innovative and adaptable!

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In Search of a Better Belief System™ series
Because everything you believe….is wrong!
“If you don’t change your beliefs,
your life will be like this forever.
Is that good news?”

~ W. Somerset Maugham (Playwright)

In Search of a Better Belief System
because everything you believe…is wrong
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

A belief system is a set of ideas about the physical, mental and spiritual components of life, and what you hold to be true about yourself, others, the world you live in, the reason for your existence, and why you are here. The purpose of a belief system is to help navigate through life. Specific beliefs about self, and the world you live in can help you remain focused, stay positive, keep motivated, act in line with your values and ethical code, roll with the punches, recognize opportunities, overcome obstacles, interpret setbacks, decipher clues, keep your own counsel, and create the outcomes and results you desire. Isn’t that what a belief system is supposed to do for you? The reason life can be difficult at times is because everything we’ve been led to believe about ourselves, people, and the world around us is, quite frankly, wrong! See through the deception and take your life in the direction you really want it to go! It’s time go in search of a better belief system!
(75 pages; 5.5″ x 8.5″; ISBN: 978-1481978224)

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Living True to Your Self
Reclaim your power! Break free! Live Your dream!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
The “Living True to Your Self” philosophy explains the unique belief system, and worldview that empowered me to break free, reclaim my power, escape the New York rat race, run off to a tropical island in the Pacific, find my place in the world and live true to my self! Use it to create your own dream life!(216 pages; 6″ x 9″; ISBN: 978-0983580812)

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The Life Rhymes™ series
What if the still small voice within spoke to you in rhyme?

Life Rhymes 1-100; 101-200; 201-300; 301-400; 401-500!
a unique brand of inspiration
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website where the entire archive is free:

Life Rhymes are a unique genre of motivational poem I created. They are positive, poetic expressions of the internal dialogue that creates success. They are part affirmation, advice column, inspired observation, proverb, prayer and life lesson all rolled into one! They are meant to guide your thoughts so you see the world differently, interpret life’s situations correctly and make choices that help you reach your highest goals! Between Aug 1997 and Aug 2006, I wrote a brand new, original inspiration EVERY SINGLE WEEK without fail! The 20,000 subscribers to my ”Friday Inspiration” email enjoyed what was the longest-running email newsletter on the internet! Now, as a physical keepsake of that special time, you can order the complete collection in paperback form! (424 pages; 8.5 x 8; ISBN: 978-0974531311)

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Come into Our Whirl
by Poets Niche

Go back in time to the original website:

    Come Into Our Whirl includes the inspiring, never-before-revealed chronicle of chance meetings, actual email correspondence, and events which led to the creation of one of the fastest-growing, most unique communities on the Internet! It also includes poems from the members of the Poets Niche.

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The Tao of Wow
Ancient wisdom. Modern success.
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The websites:

“Traffic in the ways of Wow
and leave this world behind
No earthly woes afflict you
when you live from higher mind”

The student of Wow must choose to believe that the course of any event can be altered by thought alone. No Wow can occur without the belief that the seemingly unchangeable laws of reality are subject to change at any moment. The Wow Master knows that things unseen are behind all things that are seen, and that thought is the first cause of circumstance. Ancient wisdom for modern success. How ancient? Check out the World Foundation for Cultural & Linguistic Research’s website ( This is where this book’s journey begins. (172 pages; 6″ x 9″; ISBN: 978-0962920240)

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The Ageless Adept™ Series
The best immunity is good health!

I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge

“Perfect health, long life and eternal youth are not the random genetic blessings of a chaotic or capricious universe, but natural birthrights that can be accessed through the mindful acceptance of simple truths, activated by the committed practice of proven activities, and sustained by advancement along a single known path. This is that path.” –Walt Goodridge, the ageless adept!

The S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto
Sunlight, Water, Earth, Air & Time
the basis of all real cure
by Walt F.J. Goodridge (The Ageless Adept)

The website:

According to the Ageless Adept, the basis of any real cure—any cure with the potential to really eliminate illness—has been and always will be the result of harnessing the power of the sun, water, earth, air or time in some form. The acronym is S.W.E.A.T. This is the S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto. (60pp; 5.06" x 7.81"; ISBN: 9781095420577)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The S.W.E.A.T. Manifesto is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of the true, underlying basis of real health and how to achieve it.

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A Clean Cell Never Dies!
How to conduct your own experiment in physical immortality
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

    Proper nutrition and removal of waste. This is the simple formula for longevity for which no practical lifestyle guide has ever existed. A Clean Cell Never Dies will show you how to fulfill these two requirements for your own experiment in age reversal and longevity. (220pp; 5.06" x 7.81"; ISBN: 9781540755414)

The practices and protocols in Yesterday’s You are now included in A Clean Cell Never Dies
Yesterday's You book cover

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

A Clean Cell Never Dies is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation, your new personal mantra that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
Read more here

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The Master Shopping List, Substitution Checklist & Immunity Top 10
Tips for Living a Natural Life in an Unnatural World
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
I’ve distilled my results into the Ageless Adept™ philosophy and protocols I hope will (1) empower people to become their own authority in matters of health, and (2) simplify choosing the products and practices you’ll encounter on your own path to perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth! In The Master Shopping List, I’ve include the products I have on hand to live a natural life in an unnatural world, function cleanly, activate the body’s healing code and grow younger!

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Fit to Breed…Forever!
10 causes of impotence THEY don’t want you to know about
probably because there’s no money in the simple cures and treatments for male impotence that can help improve and maintain your erection
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

The bad news:
If you are impotent it is because Nature has classified you "UNFIT TO BREED."
The good news?
You CAN get yourself "reclassified!"
Fit to Breed…Forever shows you how! (144pp; 5.5"x8.5"; ISBN: 978-1501099038)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Fit to Breed is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation (“I am fit to breed”), your new personal mantra that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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The Man Who Lived Forever (formerly The Ageless Adept)
A story of perfect health, long life, and the fountain of youth
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
What if it were possible to activate your body’s dormant healing code and remain ageless? What if you could meet & learn from an adept who knew the secret? (206 pp; 6″ x 9″)
What if it were possible to activate your body’s dormant healing code and remain ageless? What if you could meet & learn from an adept who knew the secret? (206 pp; 6″ x 9″)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Man Who Lived Forever is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of an ideal to aspire to that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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The Fast & Grow Young™ series
Take control.

Part of the Ageless Adept™ series

“Nature’s First Cure”
“The Universe is perfect, nature is foolproof, and the body is coded to heal. The concept behind the practice of fasting is simple: allow the body time to rest from the energy-consuming process of digestion and assimilation, in order to activate its healing code and divert all its energy toward reversing and curing illness and ultimately… to rejuvenation.” –Walt Goodridge

Fast & Grow Young
Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol III
re-issued by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

“Excellent work on Fasting. Contains numerous references to additional
works by doctors in the field circa time of the writing. …The best on fasting I have come across so far.”
–Amazon 5-star review

Fast & Grow Young is the modern reissue of Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. (1934) Years of research on thousands of cases resulted in this timeless, definitive work on the evolutionary basis and biological benefits of the extended water fast. The body is, in fact, coded to heal. Fasting allows the body’s digestive system to rest, switch into “repair and removal” mode and begin the natural process of healing that has been encoded within every cell of the body. But there’s more! An extended fast achieves remarkable reversal and rejuvenation! Many people never get to experience the dissolution of tumors, the reversal of chronic conditions, the improvement of eyesight, hearing and sense of smell that occur during an extended fast. Discover nature’s simplest, but most profound secret, and how to do it right! The publisher’s new “Stages of Fasting” & “How to Break a Fast” sections have been added to this volume. (470pp; 6″x9″; ISBN:978-1494413798)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Fast and Grow Young is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., “Fast and grow young.” “I fast and grow young.”) that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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The Fast & Grow Young REBOOT Log!
Journal Pages & Mindchecks to Help you Think & Fast Long!
published by Walt F.J. Goodridge
To help you get through an extended water fast, it often helps to incorporate some discipline and habits into the process. The “Reboot!” log book provides you with a handy place to chronicle, document and record your progress–when you wake, how you feel, when you have bowel movements, when you do your enemas, along with any ideas, epiphanies and dreams! You’ll find it handy months or even years later when you do your next fast!

But that’s not all. When it comes to a successful extended fast, the most important dialogues you’ll have are the conversations in your own mind–the private thoughts through which you identify and reconcile the beliefs, doubts, concerns and fears as well as the decisions, behavior and habits that ultimately affect your determination and discipline to succeed.

My Think & Fast Long™ “mindchecks” are some of the recurring thoughts, ideas, quotes, and mantras (the things I say to myself every day of my fast) to keep that dialogue and my mind in check! I hope you find them helpful! The Ageless Adept

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The Sun Cure
a Fast & Grow Young Supplement
published by Walt F.J. Goodridge
The Sun Cure is the re-issue of chapters 38 to 46 of Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. These chapters from the original text were not included in Fast & Grow Young. Shelton explores and explains the numerous physiological, psychological and emotional benefits of direct exposure to sunlight. (90pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 978-1986371179)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Sun Cure is more than just a title. It is a reminder, an affirmation ("The sun cures me") you’ll hear in your mind each time you glance at your shelf.

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COMING SOON: The Parasite Report
How to Starve, Suffocate, Poison, Zap, Shed, Scrape and Flush Parasites from Your System
..And Win The Worm War Once And For All!
COMING SOON in the Fast & Grow Young series
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
*TMI=Too much information

Worms are not a “Third World problem only affecting children.” Many adults have worms and don’t realize it. Others have symptoms–weak eyesight, constipation, hair loss, low energy–but believe it’s all a normal part of aging It’s not! Learn how to identify, then how to Starve, Suffocate, Poison, Zap, Shed, Scrape & Flush Parasites from Your System and Win The Worm War Once And For All! (198pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781798507544)

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The Power of Positive Eating…After the Fast!
How to stay healthy after an extended water fast
Herbert Shelton, presented by Walt F.J. Goodridge
“Positive eating” is simply the habit of eating real food (Unmodified, raw, enzyme-rich fruits and vegetables eaten in as close to their natural state as possible) at times, in places, in ways and amounts that optimize its nutritional and therapeutic benefit, activate the body’s dormant healing code and have a positive rather than a negative effect on the body. (490pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781537262994)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Power of Positive Eating…After the Fast is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of your next steps, the standard you’ll be setting after you accomplish your fast so you can continue to pursue perfect health, long life and the fountain of youth. Read more here

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The Power of Positive Eating…FOR INFANTS!
Herbert Shelton, re-issued by Walt F.J. Goodridge
The Power of Positive Eating…For Infants is a guide for raising healthy, happy, disease-free children. It includes chapters on prenatal care; how to nourish the feeding mothers; when babies should be born; what, when, how and how much to feed your child (plus foods you should never feed a baby!); building strong teeth; the dangers of having a fat baby; cow’s milk vs mother’s milk; should baby be weaned; regular “crimes” in feeding; feeding children from two to six years; how to determine if your child is healthy; signs of under-nutrition and more! (280pp; 6" x 9"; ISBN: 978-1519522368)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Power of Positive Eating…For Infants is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of a course of action that’s under your control–one that will have lifelong implications for your children.

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Eye Can See Clearly Now
the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s 1924—now public domain–work
re-issued by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Eye Can See Clearly Now (aka New Sight for Sore Eyes) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781720822172 )

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Eye Can See Clearly Now is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation (“I can see clearly now”) as well as the words of a catchy song that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
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New Sight for Sore Eyes
the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s 1924—now public domain–work
re-issued by Walt F.J. Goodridge
New Sight for Sore Eyes (aka Eye Can See Clearly Now) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781721049479)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

New Sight for Sore Eyes is more than just a title. It is a reminder of an idea, an affirmation ("I can achieve new sight for my sore eyes") you’ll hear in your mind each time you glance at your bookshelf.Learn more

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Return to Nature
a modern re-issue
Adolf Just, reissued by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Return to Nature–the reissue of Adolf Just’s Return to Nature The True Natural Method Of Healing And Living & The True Salvation Of The Soul (1904).  Learn how natural baths, light, air, clothing, earth's magnetic field, clay therapy, nutrition, meat and milk consumption affect health; cases and cures of illness from pneumonia to blindness; biblical references, child-rearing, farming and more– "advanced" knowledge that's been around for over a century! (320pp; 6"x9"; ISBN:9781721870240)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Return to Nature is more than just a title. It is a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., “Return to Nature now.” “I return to Nature.”) that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!.
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Coded to Heal
The Long Lost Operations Manual for the Human Body
William Howard Hay, M.D., re-issued by Walt F.J. Goodridge
What if, at some period in man’s distant past, there existed an “owner’s operations manua;” for the human body? A manual containing information that had somehow been lost over the millennia. Such a manual would explain how to maintain your body for optimal function throughout your life. It would explain in simple terms what causes disease and how to avoid, fix and recover if such diseases developed in your body. You would know what to do, what not to do, what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat and even how to eat to keep the body functioning optimally? Coded to Heal (a reissue of Health via Food [1924] by William Howard Hay M.D.) is that long lost manual! (312pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 978-1722248635)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Coded to Heal is more than just a title. It’s a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation (“My body is coded to heal”), your new personal mantra that you’ll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!
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Masculinity 2.0
The new relationship guidelines for men who want to be men, and the women who love them
by Dexter Style

The Masculine Mind Youtube Channel

Your sexuality and how you express and honor it are integral parts of your health and the philosophy of ageless living. These are a few new suggested relationship guidelines for men who want to be men, and the women who love them! (formerly titled “If you want to be my girlfriend…“) (206 pages; 5.5″ x 8.5″; ISBN: 978-1516905690)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Masculinity 2.0 is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of a set of standards you can choose to embrace and use to define yourself and your relationships.

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Don’t wait for the history RE-write…make it a history WE write!
“WE THE PEOPLE, in order to create a more perfect historical record, establish fairness in media coverage, insure a balanced narrative, provide for our children’s education, promote the appropriate vocabulary for dialogue, secure for this president a place of honor in public consciousness for ourselves, our posterity and the greater world, do compile and present…

The website:

The Obama Legacy
A WE-WRITE of the Greatest American Presidency
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge
A pre-emptive, crowd-funded, people-produced history book! A 150-page, 365-image, year-by-year, full-color, all-inclusive timeline, highlight reel, random photo album and history book of the two-term Barack Obama presidency with time and place captions, and behind-the-scenes photographer commentary!

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Obama Legacy is a reminder of possibilities becoming reality. It serves as a reminder of that each time you look at its cover on your shelf.

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The Obama Legacy TIMELINE
A week by week chronicle of the greatest American presidency
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

Check out the website!

Here is a week by week, month by month, year by year chronicle of firsts, trips, legislation and other milestones of the Obama presidency.

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

The Legacy Timeline is a reminder of possibilities becoming reality. It serves as a reminder of that each time you look at its cover on your shelf

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Stop Pulling Numbers Out Of Your A–!
What the actual FACTS reveal
about life in America…and the world!
by I.M. Sharp

Pulling Numbers cover

(134 pages | Size: 5.5 x 8.5 | ISBN: 978-1502717542;)
“Something like 8 out of every 10 people just make up statistics on the spot!”–Anonymous commenter on Huffpost

Isn’t it frustrating to listen to someone pulling numbers out of his or her a$$ to back up a point that’s obviously based on pure conjecture, speculation and emotion? Pundits, politicans, pollsters, private citizens and even presidents do it! Well suffer no more! Stop Pulling Numbers Out of Your A$$ is a factual, fully researched, sometimes humorous look at current topics that often come up in our everyday conversations; topics about which people have the most–often emotional–opinions, but often the least facts and knowledge! It contains over 134 pages of fully-researched, simply-presented facts and information (from well respected and sometimes obscure sources) on a wide range of topics including immigration, unemployment, religion, crime, welfare, racism, gun ownership, politics, science, religion, terrorism and even ebola, that dispel the myths and reveal the truth behind “conventional wisdom” so you’ll never have to suffer through anyone pulling numbers out of their (or somebody else’s) a$$es again!

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The Best of Saipan™ series
America’s best-kept secret!
Saipan is a small island in the Western Pacific, but don’t let its size fool you, it has countless tales to tell! Join me as I partner with Saipan residents from around the world to share their unique stories.

There’s Something About Saipan!
A visitor’s guide to fantastic facts, tantalizing trivia, startling statistics, dramatic diaries and hair-raising history from America’s most colorful island territory
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Yes, there’s something about Saipan that endears it to visitors and residents alike. But what is it exactly? Is it the weather? Is it the unique history? Is it the warm, welcoming indigenous Chamorro and Carolinian people? Is it the unique mix of guest workers and expats from all over the world? Is it the unique, possibly magical. energetically enhanced proximity to the Marianas Trench, a combination of all these or something as yet unidentified?

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Something About Saipan will stand out on your shelf and serve as a visible, physical reminder of your enjoyable experience each time you glance at your shelf!
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Chicken Feathers & Garlic Skin
Diary of a Chinese Garment Factory Girl on Saipan
by Chun Yu Wang and Walt F.J. Goodridge

The website:

It took a lot of courage for a 25-year-old girl from Wu Xi City in Jiang Shu province, China, who had never flown on a plane, and who had never left home before, to travel 2,000 miles to a foreign country in search of work. It took even more courage to stay once she discovered what life was really like for a factory girl on the island of Saipan in the US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). This is the only first-hand account of work and life in the garment factories of Saipan. (196 pages; 5.5″ x 8.5″; ISBN: 978-0974531342)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Chicken Feathers & Garlic Skin will stand out on your shelf and serve as a visible, physical reminder of this educational experience each time you glance at your shelf and remind you of the realities that other people around the world are living.

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Saipan Living!
A comprehensive guide for moving to, finding a job, working, living or vacationing in the Northern Mariana Islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

Much more on the website:

Where exactly is Saipan? Is it a place I can escape to? Can I retire comfortably there? What taxes will I need to pay? Will I be able to vote in the US elections? Do I need a visa or passport to go there? Find out the truth from current, on-the-ground information not even the CIA website, travel guides, or blogs can reveal! Learn everything you need to know about visa & passport requirements, job opportunities, labor laws, expat communities, pets, churches, schools, gun laws, crime stats, the economy, dating, land ownership and much, much, much more! (162 pages; 7″ x 10″; ISBN: 978-1481277297)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Saipan Living 2022 is more than just a title. It’s the embodiment of a dream–particularly if that dream is to escape the rat race, relocate or retire, and live a simple, friendly, natural life on a little island in the Pacific!

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Doing Business on Saipan
A step-by-step guide for finding opportunity, launching a business and profiting in the US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
There’s an economic transition happening in the US Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. The future is uncertain, but that means opportunity for the savvy entrepreneur. Easy to follow checklists help you start a business; incorporate, get your business license & zoning permit. hire employees; file taxes, and more! Plus: An insiders’ view: Opinions of veteran entrepreneur business owners on the island: What’s needed on these islands; How federalization of Saipan’s immigration and labor will affect the island, and more! (166 pages; 7″ x 10″; ISBN: 978-0974531359)

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From Bugle Boy to Battleship
a Battle of Saipan and Battle of Guam Veteran’s Memoir
Lloyd Glick as told to Walt F.J. Goodridge

DEFINITELY check out the tribute website:

Born in California on December 28th, 1923, Lloyd Glick was a naive 18-year-old boy watching a movie at a theater in downtown Berkeley on Dec 7 1941, when they stopped the movie to announce Japan’s bombing of Pearl Harbor.
Four months later, with his parents’ signed permission, he joined the United States Navy. That decision would ultimately land him the position of Musician Second Class aboard the USS North Carolina as a member of the ship’s band while it participated in the bombings of Saipan, Guam, Palau, Pohnpei, and battles throughout World War II’s pivotal Pacific Campaign.
Bugle Boy to Battleship is Lloyd’s fascinating account of his two years at sea, as well as his return to visit the island of Saipan 70 years later.
Bugle Boy to Battleship includes the actual emails that also tell the story of the unique relationship between Lloyd and his “tour guide” –an author living on Saipan–who became inspired by their correspondence to help Lloyd document his story for this and future generations.

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

From Bugle Boy to Battleship will stand out on your shelf and serve as a visible, physical reminder of Lloyd’s fascinating story, and the enjoyable and educational experience each time you glance at your shelf

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Saipan Now!
A photo adventure
by Walt F.J. Goodridge, Ferdinand Ramos,

I share what I know, so that others may grow!–Walt F.J. Goodridge
Author, local photographers and visiting tourists team up to create a photo book capturing the beauty, culture and lifestyle of contemporary Saipan! 100 pages; 8″ x 10″; PAPERBACK ISBN: 978-1493736379)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Saipan Now will stand out on your shelf and serve as a visible, physical reminder of your enjoyable experience each time you glance at your shelf!


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Drinking Seawater
a typhoon Soudelor memoir
by Riza Ramos and Walt F.J. Goodridge
On the night of Sunday, August 2, 2015, Typhoon Soudelor made landfall on the island of Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI). Though officially recorded as a “Category 5-equivalent super typhoon,” speculation continues that Soudelor’s winds far exceeded this category. Cars and even trucks were overturned, and it was later discovered that the wind speed recording equipment was destroyed during the storm; the highest speed recorded before the failure was 180 miles per hour. At the time, it was the most powerful storm to make landfall…ever…anywhere that year.
The eye of a storm is a roughly circular region of mostly calm weather, typically 30-65 km (20-40 miles) in diameter, located at the center of strong tropical cyclones. It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring of towering thunderstorms where the most severe weather occurs. Soudelor’s core (the eye and eyewall) was smaller than the island. That’s why the devastation on Saipan was so intense, and why the neighboring island of Tinian, only two miles away, was virtually untouched by the storm.
Riza Ramos, her husband Ferdinand, and two children survived the devastation of that typhoon at point during which they were actually outside and unsheltered. Drinking Seawater is that story. However there is more…

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Drinking Seawater is more than just a title. It’s a reminder that even when you feel overwhelmed by (drowning in) life’s demands and circumstances, that there is hope and a path to survival.


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Amelia Earhart on Saipan
The mystery solved!
by Walt F.J. Goodridge

More info on the tour website:

It’s been known for over 70 years that the Pacific island of Saipan figures prominently in the real story of Amelia Earhart’s fate after her supposed “disappearance.” Check out this keepsake from my Saipan in a Day-Amelia Earhart tour!

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

Amelia Earhart on Saipan is more than just a title. It’s a reminder that there is another chapter to this famous story that you are now privy to; one that the majority of people–at least in the US mainland–are not being told.

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When The Walls Came Down
A 9/11 Survivor’s View of Life In America
by Ken Greene
When the Walls Came Down is a riveting documentary, timeless historical account, enlightened observation and critical analysis of American life from a truly rare perspective. It’s a personal story of heroism and triumph dealing with walls that existed well before that tragic day, and that for some, still remain. Yes, Ken Greene’s September 11, 2001 began as any other day. By 10:28am, much more than the World Trade Center walls around him had crashed. But some walls just don’t stay down. 270 pages; 5.5 x 8.5 ISBN: 978-0974531366)

The Power of the Paperback!: Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning) and even smell. In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you’ve read it! (And, it’s also much easier to share with others!)

When The Walls Came Down is more than just a title. It’s a reminder of how adversity can bring out the hero in everyone and bring people together for a greater common goal. It’s a reminder of what’s possible. Hopefully, it won’t require such major catastrophes to revisit that way of thinking and acting.

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