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Fast & Grow Young!


Fast & Grow Young is the modern reissue of Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. (1934) Years of research on thousands of cases resulted in this timeless, definitive work on the evolutionary basis and biological benefits of the extended water fast. The publisher’s new “Stages of Fasting” & “How to Break a Fast” sections have been added to this volume. (470pp; 6″x9″; ISBN:978-1494413798)

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Fast & Grow Young is the modern reissue of Herbert Shelton’s Hygienic System Vol II. (1934) Years of research on thousands of cases resulted in this timeless, definitive work on the evolutionary basis and biological benefits of the extended water fast. The publisher’s new “Stages of Fasting” & “How to Break a Fast” sections have been added to this volume. (470pp; 6″x9″; ISBN:978-1494413798)

When you stop eating and drink only water for an extended period of time, the body shuts down the digestive system, activates its healing code and directs its energies towards healing and rejuvenation. Over the next few days, weeks (even months) of fasting, the repair, reversal and rejuvenation that take place is like a “re-boot” of the system nothing short of miraculous. You can, in effect, fast and grow young!

Shelton’s work aligns with the Ageless Adept’s philosophy that nature is foolproof, and that the body is coded to heal. It offers experiential proof of the formula for vitality (V= P2 – O), Vitality = Potential Power minus Obstruction. Most illness is caused by a depletion or an accumulation (obstruction) or both. To reverse the effects of obstructions caused by our unnatural diets and lifestyles–effects we refer to as disease and illness–there is perhaps no simpler, no more thorough cure than fasting.

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"Fast & Grow Young" is not just a title, it's a command as well as an affirmation (i.e., "Fast and grow young." "I fast and grow young.") that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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Paperback, Ebook


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