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Eye Can See Clearly Now: How to reclaim your vision and keep your eyesight forever *aka New Sight for Sore Eyes


Eye Can See Clearly Now (aka New Sight for Sore Eyes) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781720822172 )

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Eye Can See Clearly Now (aka New Sight for Sore Eyes) is the modern reissue of Bernarr Macfadden’s Strengthening the EYES A System of Scientific Eye Training (1924). It offers information, illustrations and detailed instruction to clean, heal and strengthen the eyes. It includes dietary advice as well as therapies like air bathing, exercises and more. (140pp; 6″x9″; ISBN: 9781720822172 )

“It is scientific and practical, and has been proven conclusively to be of inestimable value. It should enable you to so strengthen your eyes that glasses will not be needed later in life, while in many cases it will enable you to discard the glasses which you may now be wearing; it should also enable many to avoid the loss of a possession priceless in value—the sense of sight.”Bernarr McFadden

[PREFACE:] …my eyes were greatly improved, but their condition was still far from satisfactory. I finally concluded to take a fast of one week in order to cleanse thoroughly my physical organism. This benefited my eyes tremendously. Thereafter I began to experiment with various eye exercises together with the eye bath, massage, etc., and my eyes soon acquired their former vigor.

In recent years I have been informed on numerous occasions that the eyes naturally begin to deteriorate after forty years of age, and that total blindness might result if I did not assist them with glasses. About ten years ago (I am now 55)…one of my patients, an oculist, was very emphatic in his warnings as to the danger I was running by not wearing glasses, and he finally induced me to promise him that I would try a pair if he sent them to me after he returned home. The glasses arrived in due time, but after wearing them for about ten minutes my eyes pained me so severely that I had to discard them. I have refrained from adopting the “eye crutch” up to the present time, and I hope that for many years to come I shall be able to avoid them. As a result of the natural methods of treatment… my eyes are excellent and I work strenuously with both brain and eyes regularly six days per week, and long, tedious days at that….[END]

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Paperback, Ebook


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