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A Clean Cell Never Dies


Proper nutrition and removal of waste: the simple formula for rejuvenation and longevity for which no practical lifestyle guide has ever existed..until now! (220pp; 5.06″ x 7.81″; ISBN: 9781540755414)

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On January 17, 1912, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Alexis Carrel began a famous experiment at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in which he placed tissue cultured from an embryonic chicken heart in a flask of his own design. He maintained the living culture for well over 20 years–much longer than a chicken’s normal life span–proving that living cells could be kept alive indefinitely by simply controlling the nutrients and removing the waste in the surrounding solution.

Proper nutrition and removal of waste. This is the simple formula for longevity for which no practical lifestyle guide has ever existed. A Clean Cell Never Dies will show you how to fulfill these two requirements for your own experiment in age reversal and longevity. (220pp; 5.06″ x 7.81″; ISBN: 9781540755414)

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The Power of the Paperback!:
Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning, and even smell). In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you\'ve read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)

"A clean cell never dies" is not just a title. It's a command, a reminder as well as an affirmation, your new personal mantra that you'll see and hear each time you glance at your shelf!

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Paperback, Ebook


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