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WG & PoetsNiche collaboration: Come Into Our Whirl by the members of the Poets Niche


A collection of poems, PLUS the inspiring, untold story of chance meetings, emails & events leading to one of the first Internet communities in 1997!

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Paperback only. Limited supply!

THE SHORT VERSION: Back in August of 1997, Walt F.J. Goodridge, president of “a company called W” and creator of the website began sending out his Walt’s Friday Inspirations™ to a small group of friends family and business partners.

As interest in his unique style of inspiring poetry grew, several people who found themselves on his list suggested that he create a “Poetry niche” in addition to the other niches on the young website.

Sensing a real interest, Walt contacted several of the people who had made similar suggestions and in June of 1998 launched the email listserve and website which is uniting poetry lovers and wordsmiths from around the world,creating friendships and changing lives!

During a phone conversation between Walt and Monica Blache, one of the founding members, the two realized they shared a similar vision for where this thing could go. Moni, who shuns titles and prefers to be called simply “The Really nice person who keeps things running smoothly at the Poets Niche” became the energy which has kept the Poets Niche heading up into the clouds as Walt’s responsibilities with the now popular website increased! (See   Who the Heck is Moni? for more!)

Word spread quickly as people realized they were part of something really special which was just getting started! They told friends, and their friends told others and now….here YOU are becoming a part of all the fun!

Come Into Our Whirl includes the inspiring, never-before-revealed chronicle of chance meetings, actual email correspondence, and events which led to the creation of one of the fastest-growing, most unique communities on the Internet!

meet the poets and hear their stories

sample poetry of members from all over the world

who is Moni?

Experience the “Group Poem” (one poet writes the first stanza, emails to another who adds the next, and so on; No one knows how it ends until the last poet creates!)

Visit the site to learn which one of our members rode HER motorcycle from Michigan to Atlanta for the first “Offline Gathering of PoetsNiche Members”

Discover which little girl’s life was changed by becoming a member, and what her mother had to say to us!

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