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The Coffeepot Cookbook:  A Funny, yet Functional and Feasible Traveler’s Guide to Preparing Healthy, Happy Meals on the go Using Nothing but a Hotel Coffeepot…. and a Little Ingenuity!


Whether you’re a nomad traveler who spends a lot of time in hotels, a bootstrapping entrepreneur with low funds, a divorced mid-lifer “finding yourself” and living with a friend who won’t agree to feed you as part of his generosity, OR just a run-of-the-mill cheapskate, The Coffeepot Cookbook is for you!

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A Fun, yet Functional and Feasible Traveler’s Guide to Preparing Healthy, Happy Meals on the Go Using Nothing but a Hotel Coffeepot…. and a Little Ingenuity

Whether you’re a nomad traveler who spends a lot of time in hotels, a bootstrapping entrepreneur with low funds, a divorced mid-lifer “finding yourself” and living with a friend who won’t agree to feed you as part of his generosity, OR just a run-of-the-mill cheapskate, The Coffeepot Cookbook is for you!

Top 10 Reasons to Order the Coffeepot Cookbook! (+ a bonus: PANDEMIC reason!)

Bonus “pandemic” reason# 11: Okay, with countries on lockdown, people distancing themselves, planes not flying, you may not be doing any nomadpreneuring or vagabonding AT THE MOMENT, so think of this as (a) getting ready for the return to “normal,” (b) an artifact of life in 2020 B.C. (Before Covid) to share with your grandchildren, (c) prepping for your future life “off the grid,” or (d) just a mindless, fun read for quarantine!

10. Perfectly priced and sized for budget and backpack! Weighing in at 4.6oz, 6″ x 9″ and at only $14.24*US, The Coffeepot Cookbook is the perfect gift for money-and-space-conscious backpackers and other travelers who want a fun, yet functional tool for the adventure (Not just recipes, but commentary, back-stories, travel and money-saving tips, 1 dating suggestion, and more…for an entertaining read in the bus depot or airport!)

9. Ideal for the chronically or situationally cheap. You don’t have to be a backpacker, a nomad or a frequent traveler to enjoy saving money on pots, appliances (no more cancer-causing microwaves), or utensils. The Coffeepot Cookbook can be used effectively right in your own home, apartment or your section of the trailer park.

8. The perfect “going away to college (finally!)” gift! It’s about time! You’ve been wanting to use that freeloader’s room as a home office, a guest room or storage closet. But just so you won’t feel guilty for not paying for a meal plan for the kid, give junior something useful for his dorm room: The Coffeepot Cookbook! See? You’re not really a bad parent after

7. The perfect “time to live on your own (finally!)” gift! It’s about time! You’ve been wanting to use that freeloader’s room as a home office, a guest room or storage closet. “Here. Take this book and get out.”

6. You need proof! Think about it. No one is ever going to believe you that a book like this actually exists. But, you’ll get the next to last laugh when it shows up delivered to their doorstep. THEY’LL get the last laugh when they read it!

5. The coffeepot makes the man! Display The Coffeepot Cookbook proudly on your living room coffee table the first time you invite her over, so your date knows what sort of experience she’s in for with you as a boyfriend.

4. The coffeepot makes the woman! Men invariably set their expectations high when it comes to the women they marry–particularly when it comes to their skill in the kitchen. Can’t cook? No problem. Display The Coffeepot Cookbook proudly on your living room coffee table the first time you invite him over, and let’s nip that bad boy in the bud–and lower those expectations–from the get go!

3. The revolution will not be microwaved! Come on. Admit. You’ve either done it or thought about doing it last time you were in a hotel and getting fed up with a steady diet of ramen noodles. You knew there HAD to be more uses for this thing “the man” didn’t want you to know about. Power to the people!! (No justice! No peas!)

2. We have a money-back guarantee* (please read the popup carefully) And the number one reason to order The Coffeepot Cookbook right now…..drum roll, please…

1. Get it before it’s banned! Let’s face it, you’re not going to find this trend-setting book next to your Gideon Bible in the bed and breakfasts, motels and hotels around the world. In fact, once the International Hotel Owners Association gets wind of these coffeepot recipes, chances are they’ll move to get it summarily banned in all continents and all languages. Get it now before the book burnings begin!

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Digital books (pdfs/ebooks for Kindle/Nook e-readers) are convenient, but they do not have mass. They do not have the same power a physical book has to continuously transmit information via the senses of sight, touch, hearing (e.g., the sound of pages turning, and even smell). In other words, the paperback sitting on your shelf will continue to communicate and influence you even after you\'ve read it! (And, it's also much easier to share with others!)

"The coffeepot cookbook" is not just a great title. It's a reminder that even as a minimalist, cheapskate vegan, you can still survive as you travel--as long as you're willing to be a bit flexible, innovative and adaptable!


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Paperback, Ebook


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