“A pre-emptive, crowd-funded, people-produced history book!”
pre-empt:to prevent an anticipated occurrence or
to take action before another person is able to; to preclude, to forestall
When it comes to historical accounts, more often than not, what passes as history is usually a “RE-Write” crafted by those in power with their own agenda and biases. Well, we the people have an agenda, too. Our agenda is fairness when it comes to telling this story. A “WE-Write” is simply history written by we the people.
In January of 2016, Barack Hussein Obama, ended his historic two-terms in office as 44th president of the United States of America.
Now, it would be great if Americans lived in a society where such a trivial matter as the color of a man’s skin did not affect how he will be remembered, but unfortunately that
society does not yet exist.
If you’ve lived in or simply observed life in America for any length of time, you’ve seen how it happens time and again. Genocide and slavery are sanitized for the textbooks. War criminals are pardoned and their crimes overlooked and forgotten by the media. Hollywood fictionalizes history and that fiction becomes real in the public’s collective mind and memory.
At the same time, particularly when it comes to cinematic portrayals of men and women of color, noble individuals of real historical consequence are recast as supporting characters in their own stories–playing second to the humanized white leads who become their saviors and redeemers. We are left with hollow caricatures of these great individuals.
We must not allow that to happen this time. Don’t allow pundits, politicians and producers
to determine how you and your children remember Obama’s presidency.
“The Obama Legacy We-Write
Project is a way for we the people–all of us–to take action to
prepare, present, promote and preserve this legacy and pre-empt
the RE-Write of history that is likely to occur.”
The idea for the “We Write” is very straightforward: to document and present in a permanent way
the accomplishments of this president, and to give people
the information, facts, images and words to pre-empt the media’s, Hollywood’s
and the history textbook “re-writes” that are likely to occur over time.
Let’s create and direct this conversation. Let’s control the narrative. Can we? Yes, we can!
The EIGHT (8) years that Barack Obama was president of the United States was–relatively speaking–a long time. With media coverage that jumps from one breaking news story to the next, it’s easy, or perhaps inevitable that we, the people, forget some of the milestones that made this presidency arguably, one of the most consequential in American history. This unique volume attempts to capture them all!
It will help you remember:
• “Obamania”
• “The Ground Game” and era of Social Media campaigning
• Lilly Ledbetter Act
• Cuba relations
• Osama Bin Laden
• Universal Health Care
• Female Supreme Court Justices
• Gay marriage rights
• Triumph over the “one-term obstructionists”
• The Nobel Peace Prize
• The economy
• Unemployment rate
• Troop withdrawal, and more
…with citations, photos and commentary and more, in an easy-to-read, bold,
color keepsake (paperback or hardcover) that will last for years!
R e v i e w s
“This is a well compiled retrospective of a historical presidency. Wonderful pictures. This is a refreshingly positive and optimistic book. The writer reminds us that despite the shortcomings and missteps of his administration President Obama accomplished more than most others.”–Claire, New York
“I have received the Obama Legacy book and very happy indeed!
Great book and many thanks for the superb work documenting President Obama’s achievement! Will post a review [on Amazon] in due course.”–Kamau, Australia
P r e v i e w s in F
Includes Official White House Photographs by Pete Souza, Lawrence
Jackson, Chuck Kennedy, Samantha Appleton, Annie Leibovitz, David Lienemann,
Sonya N. Hebert and Amanda Lucidon and Joyce Baghosian. Other photos and images by Harry
Wad, 123rf.com, Wikimedia Commons. Also includes unique life rhymes by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Obama Wept accompaniment to “legacy rhyme” on page 129.
View on Youtube
This book is about preserving a legacy for our children and those not alive or too young to be aware of this historic presidency.”
Along with the facts, dates, and descriptions, we’ve included “legacy rhymes” (by life rhymes creator, Walt Goodridge) that even younger readers will enjoy and learn from. Imagine knowing by heart not only when ‘Columbus sailed the ocean blue,’ but also when Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009!
“The first act that Obama signed
was January 29, 2009
And now in Lilly’s name we say
with equal work comes equal pay!”
Re-live the GREATNESS… again and again!
Re-live the magic!
Look back over eight impactful years. Don’t be swayed
by attempts to minimize this consequential presidency. Take a peek outside of the US news cycle
and see how this America president was–and continues to be–welcomed and perceived
by the world:
An International Focus: (Includes YOUR country or commonwealth), too!
The Obama Legacy We-Write
includes photos from just about every country the president visited! You’ll find
photos of diplomatic meetings, or troop visits, or you might even see yourself in photos of the President or First Lady greeting the residents and/or dignitaries of:
• the Arctic Circle
• Argentina
• Australia
• Belgium
• Brazil
• Cambodia
• Canada
• Chile
• China
• Colombia
• Costa Rica
• Cuba
• Czech Republic
• Egypt
• El Salvador
• Estonia
• Ethiopia
• France
• Germany
• Ghana
• Haiti
• India
• Iraq
• Ireland
• Italy
• Jamaica
• Japan
• Jordan
• Kenya
• Malaysia
• Myanmar (Burma)
• Norway
• Panama
• Philippines
• Poland
• Portugal
• Puerto Rico
• Russia
• Saudi Arabia
• Senegal
• Singapore
• South Africa
• South Korea
• Sweden
• Tanzania
• Thailand
• Turkey
• Vietnam
• The West Bank
• United Kingdom…
The idea for this book came to me in May of 2016, I was listening to National Public Radio’s coverage
of the annual Correspondents’ Dinner and the President’s “stand-up” routine. I thought to myself that
there should be a way to document and preserve his unique mix of charm, humor, intelligence and wit.
Never fearful of hyperbole and extremes, I originally titled it On His Watch: The Legacy of America’s Greatest President, Barack Hussein Obama and started to draft what it would contain.
When I emailed a close friend (and frequent sounding board) about the idea, she replied:
“Love it! After spending a day in DC, going by the White House etc. I said to [my husband], you know what? We have to document this; write the story of Obama for ourselves because we know that no one else will tell it correctly. They are gonna lie and paint him as the worst president when in fact it’s just the opposite.”
More than just a book to purchase, it’s a project you can support
in many ways (Choose as many as you can!)
What my friend said reflects a sad, but true insight into how people feel. If you feel or fear the same, then please support this ongoing project. Help us make this book a bestseller! Your contribution will be used towards
• paying for publicity (press releases, advertising)
• mailing copies to reviewers
• a sequel that’s already in the works
• promotional videos and more!
“A pre-emptive, crowd-funded, people-produced history book! A 150-page, 365-image, year-by-year, full-color, all-inclusive timeline,
highlight reel, random photo album and history book of the two-term Barack Obama presidency
with time and place captions, and behind-the-scenes photographer commentary!”
Download a full color preview
The Obama Legacy TIMELINE
A week by week chronicle of the greatest American presidency
by Walt F.J. Goodridge
Here is a week by week, month by month, year by year chronicle
of firsts, trips, legislation and other milestones of the Obama presidency.
Download a preview
The Obama Legacy We-Write (Reg.24.95) PLUS
The Legacy Timeline (Reg. $10.00);
a combined value of $34.95, yours for only $29.95
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